Best holiday deals abroad

International escapes at Member Prices

There‘s a whole lot of world out there waiting for you and with an average saving of 15% on thousands of hotels with Member Prices, you have the perfect excuse to visit. Explore the world and bring home more than just pictures. Bring home a different you.

Terms and Conditions

These offers are available to Expedia Rewards members and Expedia App users.

Prices displayed include promotional discounts referred to – discounts are applied to the standard rate on our site of selected hotels, as determined and supplied by the hotels.

Prices displayed are per room, per night, based on two people sharing a room, and include taxes and service fees.

Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required.

Please check individual hotel for details. Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice.

Prices displayed are for stays or flights on the specific dates shown.

Package savings based on the price of the hotel + flight booked together, as compared to the price of the same components booked separately.

Package prices quoted are per person per stay based on the cheapest return flights from the specified airports and two people sharing the cheapest double room, inclusive of all taxes.

Additional baggage charges may apply to flights [and to packages], including flights provided by low cost airlines.

Blackout periods may apply. Please check individual hotel or airline for details.

Prices are updated regularly and are accurate when published.

Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice. Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals.

Expedia’s usual booking Terms and Conditions apply.

Promoter: 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119, USA.