pixellation on blu-ray after burning

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pixellation on blu-ray after burning

Postby jimhr0 » 25 May 2012, 21:54

I have noticed a lot of pixellation on my recent blu-ray copies. Is this a problem with the copy software or is it my computer and video card? Ive noticed this problem with older movies that have been released on blu ray!!!
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Joined: 31 Jan 2012, 05:22

Re: pixellation on blu-ray after burning

Postby Willer » 28 May 2012, 07:42

It may be because our program failed to decrypt the protection. Now please first play the original blu ray on your computer and tell us if it can be playe well. Then please click the icon on the let top window of Ideal Bluray Copy, then click "Export log file" to export the log file and send it to support@idealdvdcopy.com .
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